
[影集]Desperate Housewivies Season 4 語錄


There is a certain time of night,after children have been put to bed and husbands have begun snoring,that women lie awake and think of the secrets they've been keeping from their friends.It might be an impromptu wedding,or a recently diagnosed tumor,or a make-believe pregnancy.Regardless,it's all they will think of,until something comes along to remind them that other people have secrets,too.


There is a certain time of morning.It occurs after kids have left for school and husbands have headed off for work.It's a time when women think of the secrets they've been keeping from their friends.And how shocked they would be if the truth was discovered.And how they'll do everything in their power to keep that from happening.But what of those lucky women who have no secrets left to keep?What do they think about every morning?These women spend their mornings thinking of their neighbors and the secrets they may be keeping.



You will never see despair here...or rage. You will never see the tiniest bit of regret. You see, the people who live here have learned there is - one sure way of hiding their secrets from their neighbors. That's why, in the suburbs, there is nothing more deceptive than a smile.


There is nothing more deceptive than a smile, and no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them. Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies. Some put on beaming faces to keep their tears from falling. Others wear silly grins to mask their fear. But then there is that rare smile that is actually genuine. It's the smile of a person who knows his troubles will soon be over.



All children love to play games. But before they can race their bikes or jump their ropes or toss their frisbees, children understand they must first convince their friends to play along with them. The same is true for adults.


All children love games. But children grow up, and then they find new games to play. They pretend to be well so their families won't worry. They lie to their lovers about where they go in the afternoon.They invent stories to hide the truth from their friends. Yes...everyone has fun playing games right up until the moment...someone gets hurt.



Pests, they come in all shapes and sizes and disrupt our lives in a variety of ways. At first,they're merely anoying, and we do our best to ignore them. But if we don't take them seriously,they can become quite dangerous. For some, death seems to be the easiest solution. But the problem with pestsis that what they leave behind...is just as dangerous.



It's the same for all of us. We try not to get too close to the people who live next door.It's easier to give them a polite nod than to ask what's wrong. It's safer to keep walking by than to get involved. True, we sometimes do get to know the people we share a fence with and end up lifelong friends. But mostly, we keep our distance, because we'd rather our neighbors Know nothing about us...than know too much.



There is much to be afraid of in this world. But what we fear has nothing to do with gruesome masks, or plastic spiders, or lifelike monsters. No, it's the thoughts in our head, that terrify us the most... What if she comes to regret her decision? What if he really is unhappy? What if the chance for love has passed forever? How do we conquer these terrifying thoughts? We start by reminding ourselves what does not kill us...just makes us stronger.



Deception, you find it in all the best homes. Parents rely on it when dealing with inquisitive children. Women use it to help keep secrets, big and small. Lovers neeeed it to cover up inconvenient accidents. Why do people resort to deception? Because it's a handy tool that helps get us exactly what we'relooking for.



We think of the past as water under the bridge, a current that carries away the mistakes of our youth---the loves we lost... the addictions we gave into...the opportunities we threw away... But sooner or later, reminders drift back into our lives of the mistakes we made and the sins we committed. Yes, the mistakes of our past have a way of drifting back into our lives, and when they do, we have to pay for them.


The past is never truly behind us. Ghosts lurk in the shadows, eager to remind us of the choices we made. But if we look back, we might find an old friend with open arms...or an old enemy with a hidden agenda...or a grown-up son with a forgiving heart...Sadly, some of us refuse to look back, never understanding that by denying the past, we are condemned to repeat it.



It was supposed to be a beautiful day. But then the winds came and changed everything, and not just the

houses and the lawns. The people had changed,too. while the storm had raged, each of them had learned something...about friendship...and forgiveness...and redemption. And some had learned the hardest lesson of all, that life is always fragile and very often unfair.



These are the things that happen in the wake of any great disaster. People start to perform small acts of kindness. They do what they can to help, all the while knowing...it won't be enough.

Yes, in the wake of a great tragedy, people do what they can to help...all the while knowing...it won't be enough.


It had been seven days since a tornado devastated Wisteria Lane, and the residents continued to pick up the pieces of their lives. Some salvaged precious friendships. Some uncovered colorful histories. Others found challenges they hadn't expected. And then...there was one girl...who stumbled upon the truth she'd long been searching for...only...to wish she hadn't.



Faith is a belief in something that cannot be proven. So we trust in the words of the only father we've ever known. We believe the promises of the woman who shares our bed. We rely on the example of dear friends who help us to be better people. Yes, we all want to believe in those we are closest to, but where there is doubt, our faith begins to vanish... and fear rushes in to take its place.



Blindness--it's an affliction that prevents people from seeing what is right in front of them...like the wives who can't detect the jealousy that consumes their husbands...the women unable to see that a rival might also be a friend...the men who stay oblivious to the guilt that lies deep within them. Yes...The world is filled with those who cannot see. The most dangerous are the ones who stay blind to the evil within their own hearts. How do we protect ourselves from these people? First, we have to open our own eyes and find them...before they find us.



The truth is,everyone breaks the rules now and then... Never thinking for one second they might get caught.

But if they do,they simply ask for forgiveness. And most of the time,they receive it. But some acts are so wicked,they demand only our condemnation. How do people avoid such a fate? Well...the trick is knowing which rules are made to be broken... and which rules... are not.



The word "welcome" always carries with it a certain amount of risk. After all, to let someone into your home is to let them into your life.And we never know what sorts of horrible secrets they carry with them. We can't foresee the painful effect they might have on our loved ones. We don't anticipate the gossip that could result from their presence. Yes... we must be very careful with those we invite into our lives... because some...

will refuse to leave.



It happens the second sunday of every may.We celebrate the women who give us life and so much more.

The ones who protect us at all costs, who have the courage to fight those who would do us harm, who put our happiness ahead of their own.But mostly, we celebrate a mother's love, which is constant, eternal, and there from the very beginning.



What's in a name? Do the labels we attach to people tell us everything we need to know? If we say she's just a child, does this mean she's truly innocent? Does calling her a drug dealer prove she's purely evil? Will a man known as "preacher" always practice what he preaches? Can a man branded a villain possess the qualities of a hero? The truth is, a name can never really tell you who someone is…any more than it can tell you what they're capable of …



There is nothing more important than friendships that endure, especially in a world that insists on changing.


1 則留言:

natalie6864 提到...


i love all the lines in "DH"!!!

英劇 Doctor Foster 出軌的愛人

Doctor Foster 是 BBC 出品的五集短篇影集  (第一季五集為一個完整的故事) 官方網站: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02z7zgj 編劇: Mike Bartlett 導演:Tom Vaughan、Bruce Go...